Independent Software Vendors

美 [ˌɪndɪˈpendənt ˈsɔːftwer ˈvɛndərz]英 [ˌɪndɪˈpendənt ˈsɒftweə(r) ˈvɛndɔːz]
  • 网络独立软件供应商;独立软件开发商
Independent Software VendorsIndependent Software Vendors
  1. The guide is split into two tracks : one for the Enterprise and one for Independent Software Vendors ( ISV 's ) .


  2. IBM announced a program to speed the transition of Australian-based Independent Software Vendors and solution developers to market as Application Service Providers .


  3. Other languages may also be available from independent software vendors , for example .


  4. These patterns are provided by IBM and independent software vendors in an online catalog .


  5. Foster a broad ecosystem of tool providers , including independent software vendors ( ISVs ) .


  6. Can be conveniently redistributed by independent software vendors ( ISVs ) .


  7. ASP works in two forms : IDC ( Internet Data Centre ) and ISV ( Independent Software Vendors ) .


  8. Independent software vendors provide such XML tools , and IBM also offers XML schema generation support through Java ™ - integrated development environments .


  9. Meanwhile , the major independent Software Vendors have already expanded the SaaS market since they saw enormous profits in SaaS field .


  10. Sun provides an application list of fully supported applications , as they are evaluated by independent software vendors ( ISVs ) .


  11. I define two types of businesses for the purposes of this section : software companies ( Independent Software Vendors ), and everyone else .


  12. JSR88 allows independent software vendors to produce J2EE applications that can be deployed to any J2EE-certified application server .


  13. Rapid application development is a necessity in today 's fast-paced world , and open source projects are just one way in which independent software vendors develop applications rapidly .


  14. On the front end , it will provide the Active Directory Service Interface , which will let independent software vendors write the applications that use the Active Directory ;


  15. And so , developing a set of IS products adaptive to mutable market requirement is the key element of core competition of the independent software vendors of IS products .


  16. They argue that Independent Software Vendors ( ISVs ) often evolved from deployments handled by their professional services organization based on specific requirements of their customers to


  17. This includes applications running on clients or on servers , as well as applications created by end users , by independent software vendors ( ISVs ), and by Microsoft itself .


  18. PaaS application developer : The developer controls all the applications found in a full business life cycle created and hosted by independent software vendors , startups , or units of large businesses .


  19. More and more enterprises Specialized in software development appears in the process , of which over 60 % of mini-type ISV ( Independent Software Vendors ) becomes the pillar colony of software industry development .


  20. We are working closely with all the major independent software vendors - industry leaders such as Oracle and Informix , SAP and PeopleSoft - to make sure their products are optimized for the new architecture by the time it is launched .


  21. XiaoNei , KaiXin Facebook , etc SNS website based on B / S model launched a lot of interactive plug-in applications that won the favor of users . It has created tremendous commercial value for ISV ( Independent Software Vendors ) who develop these softwares and Website .
